Origins of Tamrellian Races
[Darak Shadowblade][WeirDaggerPhotos][Light Bulb Jokes][Darak's Comics]
This is a message I posted to the DF newsgroup
It came out quite well, so I decided to add it in this site... hope you'll enjoy it :-)
In the beginning, eight clay statues were presented to the eight gods: each one of them
had to give it something peculiar before blowing the breath of life into it.
First came Mara: she saw her statue and said: "I've nothing to give you, save my
love" and so the Breton race was born, the most ordinary and unappealing breed ever
seen in Tamriel.
Second came Stendarr: he noticed that his statue lacked brains, so, moved to compassion,
he said: "Since you lack intelligence, I give you muscles in compensation". He
didn't think for a moment that he could enhance the statue's Q.I. at least some points
above zero, and so Redguard race was born, the dumbest barbarians ever seen in Tamriel.
Third came Zenithar: he looked at his statue and said: "You'll be richer than anybody
else: your hair will be gold and silver" Zen meant their hair would be made of actual
precious metals; unfortunately, the Great God who presided over the eight and their powers
did not understand it and so the Nord race was born, the one with the most beautiful hair
ever seen in Tamriel... but nothing else!
Fourth came Arkay: he looked at his statue, a slender form with a beautiful tail, and
said: "You will be privileged among the other races, for you are bound to understand
the meaning of the circle of life and death" and so the Khajitt race was born... and
maybe the strange gift of Arkay is the reason why they can be usually found chasing their
own tails!
Fifth came Dibella: she looked at her statue and she began to lust for it, even if it was
inanimate, so she decided to add a huge appendix to it, hoping this could satisfy her at
last. She was looking forward to it and for this reason she created it in a hurry and made
a gross mistake: the appendix turned out to be on the wrong side: a long, thick tail...
and so the Argonian race was born.
Sixth came Kynareth: she looked at her statue and said: "I give you something that
will allow you to fly". She was about to add a pair of wings, but in a moment she
completely forgot it (Kynareth can be very absent-minded)... and so the Wood Elves race
was born: thinking they were able to fly like birds, they started dwelling on trees and
sometimes they fell and crushed to the ground.
Seventh came Julianos: he looked at his statue and said: "I'll make you the most
intelligent and logical being in the entire universe!" and with a gesture he just
made the statue's ears pointed. Unfortunately this was no Star Trek: the High Elves race
was born, but they were far from Vulcans, for they claimed to be clever but in fact they
were just a bunch of braggarts!
Last came Akatosh: he looked at his statue and complained: "Why! I don't want to make
a humanoid! I want to give him the shape of a dragon!" But at these words the Great
God intervened: "Thou shalt create no dragons, for the programmers decideth there
wilt be no dragons in Daggerfall! Thou shalt stick with what you have and not bother me
again!" Akatosh was disappointed, but resolved to give to his creatures all the
features of a dragon: pointed ears, gleaming red eyes, thick, dark skin, but most of all
the might and the wits of the dragon... and so the Dark Elves race was born, the most
beautiful and powerful race ever to tread the soil of Tamriel!
So, if you enjoyed this, why don't you take
a look at the Light Bulb Jokes as well? You
won't regret it! ;-)