Encounters Part 2: The monsters
It is most common a task to be hired by the
Fighters Guild to slay a wild beast that broke in some house in the city. This time the
quester wanted me to slay an harpy, one of that nasty creatures that can be hit only by
dwarven (or better) weapons - and then I had only an Elven Dai-Katana. I was still
pondering whether to accept the mission or not, when the man added: "The place is the
Fighters Guild". As soon as he had spoken these words, I heard a cry to my left, a
mixture between a human voice and that of a bird... then my left arm was scratched by a
razor-sharp claw.
How could it be??? There was absolutely nothing until a moment before!!! Anyway, there was
no time to lose with worthless speculations: I had to deal with the beast at once, and I
had no weapon ready! My first reaction was to hide myself behind the wall that divided the
entrance from the quester room: it turned out to be the right choice, for the harpy
continued flying and squeaking, but it could no longer see me. But there was still a
problem: I had nothing that could harm it... save my own hands! It was a desperate
decision (it would not be a fair match, for sure), but I realized there was a deep
difference between us: I could use my brain!!! I knew where the harpy was, even if I could
not see it, while the dull animal didn't. So I began to punch and kick the very walls.
They could not resist my powerful blows, and the stupid creature was vulnerable as well.
It took some time to make it, but at last the harpy lay dead on the floor, and I could
boldly the other room (hehehe) and get my reward.
Another strange encounter occurred to me when
I was outdoors. I was in a small town at night, looking for a comfortable tavern, when I
heard, not far away from me, a growl not similar at all to those of dogs; as I came
closer, I spotted the shape of a werewolf that was standing beside a house. At first I
thought he wanted to enter it (to eat the kids or maybe to disguise himself in grannie's
clothes, who knows...hehehe), then I realized he was stuck in it! To be precise, it had a
leg "in" a house wall, so he could not move at all!
At first I felt pity for the poor creature, then I thought that if I would not slain him
that night, the beast cuold free itself changing shape once again at the moon setting, and
he would live as a normal person until next night, when he would have satisfied his unholy
hunger with innocent blood (and I would not be there to stop him). So I took my chance,
and with a precise blow on its neck, I ended his suffering for good, and to me it seemed
the most piteous act I could ever do.
But the queerest event happened when I was
resting peacefully at a tavern. I was sleeping soundly when I heard a knock on the door.
"What is it?", I muttered lifting my head from the pillow. There was no answer,
but another knock on the door followed. "I ain't asked for any breakfast... let me
rest!" The guy on the other side did not stop, and his knocks grew louder and louder.
I stood up and said "Go away! I'm a Knight of the Dragon, you know!" This
produced something, for the person outside answered with a: "Ooooooouuuuuu".
Had I been not so dazed, I would understand something was wrong, but at the time it seemed
to me only an exclamation of wonder (we, Knights of the Dragon, are well known among the
innkeepers of Daggerfall, most of all because we are allowed to rent their room for
free... hehehe). Anyway, that annoying knock did not stop (and I was feeling it like a
hammer in my head), so I opened the door to see who could be so fool to dare challenging
my patience... and my eyes fell on the rotting body of a zombie (his eyes fell too, but
probably many years before... hehehe), standing right in front of me.
He hit me with a powerful fist, making me fall. I reached for my sword as fast as I could
and I began jumping around to avoid being cornered. At last I succeeded in cutting him in
two, and it was then that I saw, hanging from its worn garments, a piece of paper with my
name on it! Quite puzzled, I quickly unfolded it: it was an invitation of the King of
Worms to Scourg Barrow. He said he could use my services once more for a delicate mission.
What dark plans had he in mind this time? Well, there was only one way to know it. In a
few minutes I packed my things and I was on my way, but before being off I roused the fat
innkeeper - who was still sleeping! - and threatened him turn him into a toad if something
like that would happen again!