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Tob among cows
[Kender Gender] [Tob's character sheet] [Tob's Background] [Tob's achievements] [Tob's companions]

I arrived in a town called Flotsam. After I had passed some days there, I noticed that some people were a bit angry at me (I wonder why), so, in order to escape the wrath of a furious mob, I hid myself in the hold of a ship; unfortunately it set sail after a while making me become an unwilling stowaway.

At first I thought the ship carried cattle, such was the stench I smelled everywhere; then I realized that cargos carrying cattle are not so frequent and I risked to take a look at the deck from a hatch: the vessel was full of MINOTAURS (that is, substantially, it REALLY carried cows...hehehe). I tried to avoid their watch, but after some hours they caught me and broguht me in front of their captain; I didn't understand anything of what he said, but I was able to tell from his bellows that he was laughing (and the rest of the crew with him); anyway, they did not execute me on the spot (as I thought they would do) but they locked me in a cabin (with a big bad padlock on the outside!).

When we arrived to our destination (later I was told it was Mithas itself) I found what they had in mind for me: they put me in a labyrinth, where, one after another, all kinds of monsters started appearing in front of me; actually, it did't take me long to realize they were all illusions - after all, if a fire demon doesn't irradiate any heat it can be nothing but an illusion - until I reached what looked like the way out, guarded by a enormous giant armed with an ooooversized mallet; in order to escape I had to pass between the legs of the energumen, a simple task, had it been just an illusion; in fact my perception and my kender intuition helped me understand that the giant was REAL; I had just realized that, when he dealt a powerful blow with his mallet, but I was quicker and dodged the weapon with an agile leap; I had to make haste, so I decided to "cheat" and sprang with all my wait at the giant's... er... low parts; he bent down for the pain and I easily knocked him out with but a fist on his jaw. Then I boldly advanced towards the exit.

Later I was told that the minotaurs had been looking at all my "feats" while banqueting in a large hall with a wide part of the floor made of that glass that allows seeing without being seen (while I was in the labyrinth I could only make out a dark ceiling; it's odd, isn't it?). Anyway, after that they came to like me and "hired" me as a "sailor boy" on one of their ships.

My life changed completely: I stayed with them for some years, and during this period I experienced many a gorgeous adventure...