hobbit-song is mainly sung by the Brandybucks and the people of Buckburg.Other
hobbits, as it's well known, are not very fond of water, and certainlynone but a
Brandybuck would sing lyrics like those of the first chorus...
Amidst green slopes and hills,
Amidst valleys and fields
A ribbon stretches blue:
His way makes slowly thru.
Brandywine, happy Brandywine,
Bright the Sun upon Thee shine:
Gently rock this boat of mine,
Bring me safe and I'll be fine.
Thy chant rises from the banks,
Thy murmur fills the lands;
Around birds sing along
A hum forgotten long.
Brandywine, jolly Brandywine,
Bright the Moon upon Thee shine:
Join me in this song of mine,
Add your voice and it'll be fine.
To whole Shire Thou life bring,
From Thy waters fish spring;
Crops rich and tall will grow
As long as thru Thou flow.
Brandywine, merry Brandywine,
Bright the Stars upon Thee shine:
Watch me in this sleep of mine,
Cradle me and I'll be fine.