defeat of the Red Brotherhood
I'll tell
the tale
of the great deed
of noble heroes in time of dire need.
Not long ago
Corin Sanjit
to the Iveen Sea led a strong pirate fleet.
Red was his sash,
red was his beard,
red was the blood that his scimitar smeared.
To end the threat
of these vile foes
the noble Sir Reinard Orgilous rose.
At Gissour's Point
the Commodore
the Brotherhood fleet caught off the lee shore.
Maude Berengius,
dame without fear,
to single combat did challenge "Redbeard".
On the "Revenge",
en'my flagship,
the pirate's head from the neck she did rip.
This was the tale
of the great feat
that led to Brotherhood's utter defeat.