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Le Storie di Darak Shadowblade

Sedetevi ed ascoltate gli strani eventi di cui Darak è stato testimone nel corso delle sue avventure (i links in inglese rimandano a storie non ancora tradotte):

Come Darak Shadowblade fu esiliato da Morrowind


(22nd May 1998)

Una missione facile facile (o almeno così sembrava...)


(4th May 1998)

La storia dei mostri multipli e del ratto


(4th May 1998)

The tale of the levitating vampire corpse


(5th May 1998)

City Encounters Part 1: The humans


(8th May 1998)

City Encounters Part 2: The monsters


(12th May 1998)

The tale of the water breathing monk


(8th May 1998)

The tale of the teleporting treasure


(12th May 1998)

The tale of the shrinking thief


(12th May 1998)

The tale of the incautious lich


(13th May 1998)

Quicksand in the city


(16th May 1998)

The tale of the polymorphed battlemage


(16th May 1998)

Be careful with the teleport!


(16th May 1998)

The tale of the three blind nightblades


(7th October 1999)

The tale of the harpy that posed as a city guard


(2nd November 1999)

The tale of the graveyard haunting


(2nd November 1999)

Come Darak Shadowblade incontrò le Crimson Blades


(27th May 1999)

Un viaggio a Tristram


(18th May 1999)

The choice


(3rd June 1999)

The trap


(11th March 2000)

Father to son: past times


(6th November 1999)

Darak's last adventure - Part 1


(27th June 1999)

Darak's last adventure - Part 2


(14th July 1999)

Darak Shadowblade